U-Nique Purpose, Inc. exists solely because of the generosity of people, businesses, foundations and others like you who support its work.
U- Nique Purpose, Inc. is a Texas registered nonprofit corporation and has been designated a 501(c)(3) tax exempt public charity by the United States Internal Revenue Service, and contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Consult your tax professional for details of how this might affect you and your taxes.
For in kind donations or bequest arrangements, please click one of the link below to make a donation or contact us via email at carla@uniquepurpose.org or phone at 214-489-7784.
CashApp http://cash.app/$uniquepurpose1
For physical checks, please mail to:
U-Nique Purpose, Inc. | 401 Tom Landry Box 2244 | Dallas, Texas 75260-2244
Thank you for your support!